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Are You Ready for a Job Change?
Money isn't the only reason why people change jobs. Sometimes the work environment, stress, lack of cooperation among staff, and personality conflicts can contribute to unhappiness and dissatisfaction with your job. Take this quiz and find out if you... (More)

21 Ways to Improve Your Resume
Your resume is critical to your job search success. It must be a highly effective resume to capture the employer's attention in today's market. Here's what employers recommend, based on a national survey conducted with 600 Hiring Managers.

Your Unique Vision of Yourself
Marshall Brown talks about what your unique vision of yourself is. It's more than just a New Year's Resolution, and it will help you find a job, improve your career and lead a happier life. Sound overly ambitious? Decide for yourself.

Passed Over For a Promotion
Sue Morem answers the question of somebody who's been passed over for a promotion. She gives wonderful advice on picking yourself up after the disappointment, and finding ways to improve and how to move on.

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