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Moving from Manager to Director
I'm a manager in a large organization and I've been considered for several Director jobs, but have yet to get one. I spoke to my manager about it and in the spirit of helpfulness she finally told me that I had all the technical qualifications and... (More)

Job Search
What Successful Job Seekers Have in Common
If only there were a formula for getting a job. Follow steps "A," "B," and "C" and end up with the job of your dreams. While it's not that simple, there are some strategies that have proven to be effective. Based on interviews I conducted with job... (More)

Job Search
Career Management Basics
Two years ago I was laid off from my job. Before that I never had to be in a job search - in fact, all of my job changes were simply a result of opportunities that found me. This means I never knew the stress, amount of time required, level of detail... (More)

Change Your Future
Are you focused on the past or the potential your future holds? Many people can't let go of something that happened A long time ago. Maybe it was a conversation you had, or didn't have. Maybe it was a project you should have taken, or one that you... (More)

Job Search
Networking - Does it Still Work?
Networking was the biggest buzz word of the 90's. To get a job or grow a business - all you had to do was network. Bill Gates' initial deal with IBM, in which they bought and added the MS DOS operating system to all their PC's, was a result of... (More)

Job Search
Can You Attract a New Job
Ever had a new job just sort of fall into your lap? I'll bet it's happened at least once to you or someone you know. Perhaps you got a phone call from an old friend who referred you to a hiring manager. Or an email from a relative urging you to apply... (More)

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