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In Search of the One
Have you ever wondered when your career is going to take off? Or when you will finally get the recognition you deserve for the work you do? Have you ever wondered why some people are able to generate a lot of attention and accolades for their... (More)

Changing Careers - Ultimate Tips For Success
Are you thinking about changing your career? Are you worried about how difficult the transition is going to be? Then you are not alone. Many people go through similar anticipation when thinking about attempting a career change. Your career is among... (More)

Money Matters
Millions of people in the business world are going through overwhelming and uncomfortable emotions due to the financial meltdown our nation is currently facing.

10 Tips to Balance Work and Life
Many people put work before family and relationships. At times, doing this may be a necessity. If the wolf is at the door, it's understandable. But if you find that work has become your entire life, here are some tips to help you find your balance... (More)

Who's the Boss?
The frst step toward taking charge of your work-life is to know that the process begins with YOU. You may expect an in-your-face awakening, but rarely is there a sledge-hammer bang. Usually the message is subtler: it beings with a ping. Ping . . . I... (More)

Resume Mistakes Can Cost You the Job
Recently I was assisting an employer with the hiring process and reviewed many resumes that were sent in. I couldn't help but be concerned that so many people are not having any job search success because they are using a very poor resume to... (More)

Job Search
Online Career Networking
Your job search/career network includes the people who can help you find a new job, get a promotion, change careers, get a client, give you a recommendation, or who are willing to assist you in any one of a number of ways. In many cases, all you have... (More)

How to Write an Interview Thank You Letter
Sending a thank you letter is as important as interview preparation. But they're tough to write, so people either tell themselves that not sending one doesn't matter, or they procrastinate until it's too late and almost pointless anyway.'yone who... (More)

Top Resume Writing Tips
It's been said that you only get one chance to make a good first impression. People meeting you for the first time will make some type of judgment based upon your appearance, the circumstances of meeting and more. Just as this saying is true for a... (More)

Are You Ready for a Job Change?
Money isn't the only reason why people change jobs. Sometimes the work environment, stress, lack of cooperation among staff, and personality conflicts can contribute to unhappiness and dissatisfaction with your job. Take this quiz and find out if you... (More)

How to Ask for a Raise--and Get It
When was the last time you asked for a raise? If you are like most people, you waited until you were frustrated, angry, and resentful. Not the best frame of mind for trying to make a positive change. You probably made some critical mistakes.

From Retail to Real
Career transition is truly one of the most challenging subjects to write about. To completely retool one's self is time consuming and never ideal. It is a very difficult transition to pull off if you have been in the workforce for any great length of... (More)

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