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Job Search
What Employers Are Looking For - Employability
Excited and anxious to begin the job search, many graduates may erroneously believe the credential alone will carry them. Not so. Employability is a term that defines both the traits and the skills of the individual being considered. Rather than job... (More)

Changing Industries - 4 Tips to Move Your Career in a New Direction
Do you feel overwhelmed when you think about changing industries? After all, with long work weeks, job-performance demands and trying to have a personal life too it's a wonder any professionals find the time to strategically reposition themselves for... (More)

Crafting a Resume for a Non-profit Organization
Non-profit agencies do a lot of good work-whether raising money for sick children or finding happy homes for abandoned animals. If you'd like to join the paid ranks of those who work for non-profits, the first step is to put together a resume that... (More)

Who's the Boss?
The frst step toward taking charge of your work-life is to know that the process begins with YOU. You may expect an in-your-face awakening, but rarely is there a sledge-hammer bang. Usually the message is subtler: it beings with a ping. Ping . . . I... (More)

If you are like so many of my clients, then one of the toughest challenges you face when interviewing with potential employers is how to convey your skills and strengths without that creepy feeling that you are bragging on yourself. Communicating... (More)

Making the Tour Work for You
At some point in the interview process, you'll probably be offered a tour of the facility, floor, or unit in which you're interviewing for a job. (If a tour is not offered, be sure to ask! You'll certainly want to see the facility in which you'll be... (More)

A Checklist to Nail for Behavioral Interviews
You probably understand that job successful job seekers talk about what they have accomplished in previous positions, and present a "mini-business plan" to relate to the needs of a prospective employer. Review the following list to be sure you are... (More)

Easy to Implement Cover Letter Advice
You should put the same effort into your cover letter as you do your resume. By implementing the following easy steps, you will ensure that your cover letter will stand out just as much as your resume.

When Providing References Is a Challenge
Dear Joan: I am updating my resume and need some advice regarding references, should a prospective employer ask for them. I currently work for a 'toxic boss' who would retaliate and make my life miserable if it were known I was looking elsewhere.... (More)

Job Search
Career Management Basics
Two years ago I was laid off from my job. Before that I never had to be in a job search - in fact, all of my job changes were simply a result of opportunities that found me. This means I never knew the stress, amount of time required, level of detail... (More)

The Flinch
What's a... - Four-letter word - You use every day - With no vowels - Not found in the dictionary - And when used correctly in negotiations will put dollars in your pocket every time?

Change Your Future
Are you focused on the past or the potential your future holds? Many people can't let go of something that happened A long time ago. Maybe it was a conversation you had, or didn't have. Maybe it was a project you should have taken, or one that you... (More)

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