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Never Climb Alone
The biggest key in climbing to greater career success is learning to let go!

Job Search
Career Management Basics
Two years ago I was laid off from my job. Before that I never had to be in a job search - in fact, all of my job changes were simply a result of opportunities that found me. This means I never knew the stress, amount of time required, level of detail... (More)

Is It Time to Update Your Resume?
The motto "Be prepared," isn't just great advice for Boy Scouts; it's also great career advice. You never know when the perfect career opportunity will present itself. If a recruiter called you today with your dream job, would you be prepared to send... (More)

Job Search
Networking - Does it Still Work?
Networking was the biggest buzz word of the 90's. To get a job or grow a business - all you had to do was network. Bill Gates' initial deal with IBM, in which they bought and added the MS DOS operating system to all their PC's, was a result of... (More)

Want a Big Raise, Look For a New Job
Tom was a longtime Boeing engineer who loved airplanes and believed he'd have a permanent lifelong career with the company. His layoff caught him by surprise. He panicked. He worried about who would hire him now and how he would afford his son's... (More)

From Retail to Real
Career transition is truly one of the most challenging subjects to write about. To completely retool one's self is time consuming and never ideal. It is a very difficult transition to pull off if you have been in the workforce for any great length of... (More)

The Art of Negotiating a Raise
Negotiation is a give-and-take process until an eventual agreement is reached between two or more parties. To understand the art of negotiation, a jobseeker must understand that it is a give process as much as it is a receiving process. Look at the... (More)

Job Search
How's Your Job Hunt Going
If your job search needs a jumpstart, it pays to sit down and analyze your situation. You should carefully question everything you're doing. But, be careful -- the wrong questions can be harmful to your career health. Example: Never ask yourself... (More)

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