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Changing Careers - Ultimate Tips For Success
Are you thinking about changing your career? Are you worried about how difficult the transition is going to be? Then you are not alone. Many people go through similar anticipation when thinking about attempting a career change. Your career is among... (More)

Life is too short to...
Fill in the blank in the question above to find out what value really drives you. The first step in creating more meaningful work is to determine what energizes you and gives you the brightest vision of your future.

10 Tips to Balance Work and Life
Many people put work before family and relationships. At times, doing this may be a necessity. If the wolf is at the door, it's understandable. But if you find that work has become your entire life, here are some tips to help you find your balance... (More)

Making the First Days at Your New Job Easier
If you are a new graduate, your first day as a "real nurse" will be not only exciting, but very stressful! Along with the relief of not having an instructor peering over your shoulder and reviewing your every move, you might feel a bit of fear at... (More)

Changing Industries - 4 Tips to Move Your Career in a New Direction
Do you feel overwhelmed when you think about changing industries? After all, with long work weeks, job-performance demands and trying to have a personal life too it's a wonder any professionals find the time to strategically reposition themselves for... (More)

Who's the Boss?
The frst step toward taking charge of your work-life is to know that the process begins with YOU. You may expect an in-your-face awakening, but rarely is there a sledge-hammer bang. Usually the message is subtler: it beings with a ping. Ping . . . I... (More)

When Providing References Is a Challenge
Dear Joan: I am updating my resume and need some advice regarding references, should a prospective employer ask for them. I currently work for a 'toxic boss' who would retaliate and make my life miserable if it were known I was looking elsewhere.... (More)

Want a Big Raise, Look For a New Job
Tom was a longtime Boeing engineer who loved airplanes and believed he'd have a permanent lifelong career with the company. His layoff caught him by surprise. He panicked. He worried about who would hire him now and how he would afford his son's... (More)

Your Unique Vision of Yourself
Marshall Brown talks about what your unique vision of yourself is. It's more than just a New Year's Resolution, and it will help you find a job, improve your career and lead a happier life. Sound overly ambitious? Decide for yourself.

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