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Assertive or Aggressive
Dan Bobinski discusses the differences and explains that practicing assertiveness while avoiding being overly aggressive can help you get your foot in the door, gain that promotion, and earn more respect.

Five Tips for Cover Letters
Heather Eagar writes about 5 tips for writing attention-grabbing cover letters. These tips will give your cover letter and resume the boost they need to end up on the top of the pile.

Your Unique Vision of Yourself
Marshall Brown talks about what your unique vision of yourself is. It's more than just a New Year's Resolution, and it will help you find a job, improve your career and lead a happier life. Sound overly ambitious? Decide for yourself.

Rules of Confidence
Nicole Williams talks about the rules of confidence. Sometimes confidence is the difference between getting that promotion and getting passed over. Knowing what it takes to be confident can help you succeed and exert confidence in everything you do.

Passed Over For a Promotion
Sue Morem answers the question of somebody who's been passed over for a promotion. She gives wonderful advice on picking yourself up after the disappointment, and finding ways to improve and how to move on.

Unchallenging Job
Sue Morem talks with a disillusioned employee who is unchallenged by her job. Her advice talks about discovering mistakes, learning from them, and knowing how to avoid them in future interviews and jobs.

Patience During the Hiring Process
Joan Lloyd talks about what to do after the interview is over. She talks about when to wait, why to wait, and when to act. Her insight is incredibly useful to help get that job offer.

Cover Up the Body Art
John Putzier, author of Weirdos in the Work Place, answers a reader's question about discrimination against tattoos and body piercing. His answer is crucial to know, even if you aren't covered with tattoos.

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