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Be Prepared for any Interview Question
Heather Eagar talks about interview questions. Knowing the types of questions will help you know what the interviewer wants to know, how to answer, and what questions are illegal.

Your Unique Vision of Yourself
Marshall Brown talks about what your unique vision of yourself is. It's more than just a New Year's Resolution, and it will help you find a job, improve your career and lead a happier life. Sound overly ambitious? Decide for yourself.

The Art of Negotiation
Teena Rose talks about negotiating everything from a better job title to a raise. Her tips will help to keep you calm and prepared, while making sure you're not endangering your reputation or your job in the process.

Job Search
Big Job Search Questions
Kevin Donlin answers the Big Job Search Question. OK, it's really 3 small questions. But when someone's been asked the same question 10,950 times, their answer is definitely going to be something you'll want to remember.

Career Planning Starts with Self-Assessment
Teena Rose talks about self-assessment, the first step in long-term career planning.

Making the Best of a Layoff
There's an old saying, "Hope for the best, but prepare for the worst." Knowing that makes this article especially useful. Teena Rose talks about making the best of a lay-off: the graceful exit. From developing a contingency plan, to negotiating your... (More)

Describe Your Ideal Work Environment
John Putzier talks about the ideal work environment, and what it takes to recognize and achieve it.

Job Search
Are You Looking for a Job?
Kevin Donlin discusses the difference between looking for a job and waiting for a job. Knowing how to look, and how to network, can become the difference between starting a new job and still looking.

Rules of Confidence
Nicole Williams talks about the rules of confidence. Sometimes confidence is the difference between getting that promotion and getting passed over. Knowing what it takes to be confident can help you succeed and exert confidence in everything you do.

Passed Over For a Promotion
Sue Morem answers the question of somebody who's been passed over for a promotion. She gives wonderful advice on picking yourself up after the disappointment, and finding ways to improve and how to move on.

Job Search
Get Hired Faster and Get Paid More
Kevin Donlin talks about what it takes to get hired faster and to get paid more. The trick - get more work done. Kevin's tips show great ways to manage time and tasks more effectively.

Job Search
Get Hired Faster
Kevin Donlin answers what it takes to get hired faster. You'd be surprised who helpful studying company names and job titles can be in the search for a better job.

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