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Good Time to Leave My Job
Joan Lloyd answers a question on how do you know when a good time is to leave a current job?

Career Planning Starts with Self-Assessment
Teena Rose talks about self-assessment, the first step in long-term career planning.

Making the Best of a Layoff
There's an old saying, "Hope for the best, but prepare for the worst." Knowing that makes this article especially useful. Teena Rose talks about making the best of a lay-off: the graceful exit. From developing a contingency plan, to negotiating your... (More)

Richard Bolles Interview - Part 3
GL Hoffman interviews Richard Bolles. Part 3 of a 3 part series, they discuss the modern workforce and ways that today's jobseekers can find jobs they enjoy.

Richard Bolles Interview - Part 2
GL Hoffman interviews Richard Bolles. Part 2 of a 3 part series, they discuss the modern workforce and ways that today's jobseekers can find jobs they enjoy.

Richard Bolles Interview - Part 1
GL Hoffman interviews Richard Bolles. Part 1 of a 3 part series, they discuss the modern workforce and ways that today's jobseekers can find jobs they enjoy.

Innovation at the Speed of Laughter
John Sweeney, of Brave New Workshop, reads from his book "Innovation at the Speed of Laughter." His excerpt gives excellent advice on improving your personal abilities to succeed and achieve in the modern workplace.

3 Rules of Networking
Joan Lloyd talks about how important it is to network and meet new people. She also addresses the difficulties of social networking and the three simple rules to follow in order to create solid relationships and to use them respectfully to get what... (More)

Should You Wait For Your Dream?
Richard Bolles, author of What Color is Your Parachute, talks about why it is important to know what you're working for, and how to achieve that dream sooner. His wonderful story is short, to the point, and will leave a last impression on you and... (More)

Narrowing the Gender Pay Gap
The gender pay gap struggle is real and the disparity is wide-spread. This show is packed with practical and powerful advice to help women to level the salary playing field. Lydia Frank (@lydia_west)and Katie Donovan (@KDSalaryCoach,@Negoti8Pay) are... (More)

Women and Pay Negotiation
I am happy to continue this dialogue on the gender pay gap to empower women to be informed and inspired to seek better salary and compensation. Whether you are a woman mustering the courage to ask for a raise or looking to negotiation for better pay... (More)

How Will Volunteer Work Enhance Your Career
I think there are enough stories of the web where someone starts out volunteering, and because of the experience it provided a bridge for a new career. Or it enhanced their current career by adding value or inspired them to change from a corporation... (More)

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