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Job Search
What Employers Are Looking For - Employability
Excited and anxious to begin the job search, many graduates may erroneously believe the credential alone will carry them. Not so. Employability is a term that defines both the traits and the skills of the individual being considered. Rather than job... (More)

When Providing References Is a Challenge
Dear Joan: I am updating my resume and need some advice regarding references, should a prospective employer ask for them. I currently work for a 'toxic boss' who would retaliate and make my life miserable if it were known I was looking elsewhere.... (More)

How to Train Yourself for a New Job
If you've been looking for a job for any length of time, you'll notice there are many out there beyond your level of expertise. Why is that? Is it because of your education? Your lack of experience? If you want to move ahead in your career, sometimes... (More)

What Questions Can Employers Legally Ask?
What questions can employers legally ask? When dealing with background checks, are there limits to how far back they can go? Are they just looking for felonies or misdemeanors too? I hate answering these questions. I am in the process of getting an... (More)

Job Search
Ways to Increase Your Chances of Hearing Someone Say You're Hired
Take your job search seriously: Consider looking for a job your new job. Devote time each day to your search, establish an area in your home as your workstation, and commit to making a specific number of contacts each day.

Ready For an Unexpected Job Interview
Most job seekers wait to polish up their interview skills until they are looking for a new position. Important interview opportunities, however, can present themselves at any time.

Job Search
Looking or Waiting For a Job
Kevin Donlin explains how job seekers tend to wait for a job rather than actively looking for one. He goes on in detail on how to properly look for a job.

Job Search
Are You Looking for a Job?
Kevin Donlin discusses the difference between looking for a job and waiting for a job. Knowing how to look, and how to network, can become the difference between starting a new job and still looking.

Job Search
Four Internet Job Search Mistakes
Kevin Donlin article talks about common mistakes that are easy to avoid while looking for a job online.

Women and Pay Negotiation
I am happy to continue this dialogue on the gender pay gap to empower women to be informed and inspired to seek better salary and compensation. Whether you are a woman mustering the courage to ask for a raise or looking to negotiation for better pay... (More)

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