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Job Search
What Successful Job Seekers Have in Common
If only there were a formula for getting a job. Follow steps "A," "B," and "C" and end up with the job of your dreams. While it's not that simple, there are some strategies that have proven to be effective. Based on interviews I conducted with job... (More)

Going From Mom to Employee
It happens five days a week. You have to shift gears from being a mom to being an employee - even the boss. How can you effectively shift gears and get yourself ready for the workday ahead? How do you gain and keep respect with those who work... (More)

Returning to the Workforce
I know of two persons who have been struggling for several months after situations involving personal medical conditions which contributed to the loss of former employment, yet in spite of having current medical releases to return to work seem to... (More)

21 Ways to Improve Your Resume
Your resume is critical to your job search success. It must be a highly effective resume to capture the employer's attention in today's market. Here's what employers recommend, based on a national survey conducted with 600 Hiring Managers.

Job Search
Transition Back Into the Workplace
Admit it, you may not be sure how to start your job search, or what are the most effective job search techniques. Sometimes you aren't even sure exactly what career or job you want to do now. Many women want to restart a career after beginning a... (More)

How to Email It In
Marshall Brown talks about being more effective with online job searching and resumes. Being able to stand out in the crowd online can make the difference between getting a call back and getting ignored.

Job Search
Get Hired Faster and Get Paid More
Kevin Donlin talks about what it takes to get hired faster and to get paid more. The trick - get more work done. Kevin's tips show great ways to manage time and tasks more effectively.

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