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Job Search
What Successful Job Seekers Have in Common
If only there were a formula for getting a job. Follow steps "A," "B," and "C" and end up with the job of your dreams. While it's not that simple, there are some strategies that have proven to be effective. Based on interviews I conducted with job... (More)

Avoid a 3-Ring Circus with these New Interviewing Strategies
I referenced the circus because I just finished another interviewing book that recommends asking for the job before leaving the interview. I can envision up to 15 qualified professionals each asking the interviewer for the job. If each asks for the... (More)

Returning to the Workforce
I know of two persons who have been struggling for several months after situations involving personal medical conditions which contributed to the loss of former employment, yet in spite of having current medical releases to return to work seem to... (More)

Going Beyond the Average
Terry Arndt talks about going beyond the average. This is part 5 of a 5 part series "Your New Job - Strategies for Success."

Have Realistic Expectations
Terry Arndt talks about having realistic expectations. This is part 4 of a 5 part series "Your New Job - Strategies for Success."

Making Others Look and Feel Great
Terry Arndt talks about making others look and feel great. This is part 3 of a 5 part series "Your New Job - Strategies for Success."

Understanding the Organization and People
Terry Arndt talks about how important it is to understand the organization and the people in the workplace. This is part 2 of a 5 part series "Your New Job - Strategies for Success."

Five Steps - Part 1
Terry Arndt talks about how to make yourself attractive as a potential candidate. This is part 1 of a 5 part series "Your New Job - Strategies for Success."

How to Deal With Your Boss
Terry Arndt discusses the 5 different types of bosses and introduces new strategies on how to deal with the boss that you may have.

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