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What Motivates Companies to Hire You
Knowing what triggers a company's interest and quickly motivates them to sit up and take notice of you is powerful knowledge that you can use over and over again.
If you are like so many of my clients, then one of the toughest challenges you face when interviewing with potential employers is how to convey your skills and strengths without that creepy feeling that you are bragging on yourself. Communicating... (More)
Making the Tour Work for You
At some point in the interview process, you'll probably be offered a tour of the facility, floor, or unit in which you're interviewing for a job. (If a tour is not offered, be sure to ask! You'll certainly want to see the facility in which you'll be... (More)
A Checklist to Nail for Behavioral Interviews
You probably understand that job successful job seekers talk about what they have accomplished in previous positions, and present a "mini-business plan" to relate to the needs of a prospective employer. Review the following list to be sure you are... (More)
The Flinch
What's a... - Four-letter word - You use every day - With no vowels - Not found in the dictionary - And when used correctly in negotiations will put dollars in your pocket every time?
How to Write an Interview Thank You Letter
Sending a thank you letter is as important as interview preparation. But they're tough to write, so people either tell themselves that not sending one doesn't matter, or they procrastinate until it's too late and almost pointless anyway.'yone who... (More)
Interview Etiquette
Do you know what is appropriate to wear to a job interview? What to say or do to impress and not turn off an employer? Interview etiquette is an often overlooked but important part of job search success.
Phone Interviews
If you haven't interviewed for a job in awhile, you may be surprised when you are asked to do a phone interview first. Most companies are using a phone interview to speed up the hiring cycle.
What Questions Can Employers Legally Ask?
What questions can employers legally ask? When dealing with background checks, are there limits to how far back they can go? Are they just looking for felonies or misdemeanors too? I hate answering these questions. I am in the process of getting an... (More)
10 Biggest Interview Killers
You've worked hard to win the interview. Don't spoil all your work to this point and let yourself fall into one of these interview-killers. Here are 10 of the biggest interview-killers job seekers often commit and how you can easily avoid each one of... (More)
How to Write Interview Thank You Letters
Sending a thank you letter is as important as interview preparation. But they're tough to write, so people either tell themselves that not sending one doesn't matter, or they procrastinate until it's too late and almost pointless anyway. Anyone who... (More)