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Job Search
Don't Sing the Job-Hunting Blues
You created the resume. You composed the cover letter. You bought the suit to dress for success. You applied for various job openings and now you wait. You wait for the phone to ring inviting you to interview. You wait to learn of job leads.... (More)

Is It Time to Update Your Resume?
The motto "Be prepared," isn't just great advice for Boy Scouts; it's also great career advice. You never know when the perfect career opportunity will present itself. If a recruiter called you today with your dream job, would you be prepared to send... (More)

Is This on Your Resume?
One of the most overlooked ways in using a resume to sell yourself is failing to identify the companies for which you have worked.

Phone Interviews
If you haven't interviewed for a job in awhile, you may be surprised when you are asked to do a phone interview first. Most companies are using a phone interview to speed up the hiring cycle.

Job Search
Networking - Does it Still Work?
Networking was the biggest buzz word of the 90's. To get a job or grow a business - all you had to do was network. Bill Gates' initial deal with IBM, in which they bought and added the MS DOS operating system to all their PC's, was a result of... (More)

Stuck in a Job Search Rut
It happens. You get all pumped up to look for a new job, get your resume and cover letter all spruced up and then... nothing. How do you put the excitement back in your job search?

What's Your Game Plan
It's hard to get excited about our careers sometimes. Especially when bad news surrounds us. Between high unemployment, low morale, and reduced compensation, who can blame us for not wanting to jump out of bed energized and ready to start each day?

Are You Ready for a Job Change?
Money isn't the only reason why people change jobs. Sometimes the work environment, stress, lack of cooperation among staff, and personality conflicts can contribute to unhappiness and dissatisfaction with your job. Take this quiz and find out if you... (More)

Cover Letter... Don't Sweat It
Writing a cover letter to accompany a resume, for some, can conjure up bad memories from high school or college composition class. With sweaty palms, they reach for the Thesaurus and Dictionary. That feeling of uncertainty begins to cloud their... (More)

How to Ask for a Raise--and Get It
When was the last time you asked for a raise? If you are like most people, you waited until you were frustrated, angry, and resentful. Not the best frame of mind for trying to make a positive change. You probably made some critical mistakes.

What Questions Can Employers Legally Ask?
What questions can employers legally ask? When dealing with background checks, are there limits to how far back they can go? Are they just looking for felonies or misdemeanors too? I hate answering these questions. I am in the process of getting an... (More)

The Breakfast of Champions
Call it a slogan, a branding image, a tagline. When you hear it or see it, you know exactly what the product is and what it might do for you. Walk down the aisle of any food store and you'll encounter hundreds of similar slogans that reach into your... (More)

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