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Making the First Days at Your New Job Easier
If you are a new graduate, your first day as a "real nurse" will be not only exciting, but very stressful! Along with the relief of not having an instructor peering over your shoulder and reviewing your every move, you might feel a bit of fear at... (More)

Job Search
Online Career Networking
Your job search/career network includes the people who can help you find a new job, get a promotion, change careers, get a client, give you a recommendation, or who are willing to assist you in any one of a number of ways. In many cases, all you have... (More)

10 Fears That Keep Us Away From What We Want
Marshall Brown talks about the "10 Fears That Keep Us Away From What We Want." Knowing yourself is incredibly important for getting a job, and improving your career. These ten quick tips will you give some insight into what might be holding you back... (More)

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