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Ready For an Unexpected Job Interview
Most job seekers wait to polish up their interview skills until they are looking for a new position. Important interview opportunities, however, can present themselves at any time.
5 Tips For Your Exit Interview
Heather Eagar conveys 5 tips to help you confidently face an exit Interview.
Pesky Interview Questions
Carole Martin talks about those pesky interview questions that keep coming up. A lot of times, interviewers use questions that can feel intimidating or difficult to answer - fortunately Carole has some great in-sight in how to answer these questions... (More)
Prove It and Get Hired
Kevin Donlin writes "Prove It And Get Hired." Being confident when writing a resume, or sitting in an interview, is one of the biggest factors cited by HR professionals. Kevin Donlin gives some great pointers about how to show this confidence in a... (More)
Tips to a Successful Interview Follow-up
GL Hoffman reads Heather Eagar's article, "Tips to a Successful Interview Follow-up." Her 5 tips will make interviews memorable and GL's comments certainly help to re-state her important points.
Cover Up the Body Art
John Putzier, author of Weirdos in the Work Place, answers a reader's question about discrimination against tattoos and body piercing. His answer is crucial to know, even if you aren't covered with tattoos.