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Life is too short to...
Fill in the blank in the question above to find out what value really drives you. The first step in creating more meaningful work is to determine what energizes you and gives you the brightest vision of your future.

Winning the Career War
Behind the secure walls of corporate fortresses career warriors are relentlessly fighting -- at times with their own selves -- the battle to succeed. Victory and defeat have different connotations in this war, but the rules, the challenges, and the... (More)

Who's the Boss?
The frst step toward taking charge of your work-life is to know that the process begins with YOU. You may expect an in-your-face awakening, but rarely is there a sledge-hammer bang. Usually the message is subtler: it beings with a ping. Ping . . . I... (More)

Are You Really Committed to Your Goals?
Many of us want a guarantee before we fully commit to our goals. If only we knew it would work out, then we would not question our choice or the direction of our future. Guess what? Your career will not give you the guarantee you are seeking. What... (More)

Job Search
Big Job Search Questions
Kevin Donlin answers the Big Job Search Question. OK, it's really 3 small questions. But when someone's been asked the same question 10,950 times, their answer is definitely going to be something you'll want to remember.

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